This is Monica...
She's a student just like you 😉
Look how it works
Only you can see the cheat, not the teacher
How it works?
It's a simple solution, but how effective!
There is a semi-transparent cover where you hide 10cm x 3,2 cm size cheat.
Thanks to it, you have the full cheat in front of your eyes the whole time.
You just rewrite in a moment all of your prepared notes.
Watch the video how the Forbidden Pen ® works
Special cover
From 1 meter distance the cheat becomes absolutely invisible
Magic cover makes the text visible only from close distance.
Feel free, cheat as much as you need. Without risking being caught cheating.
Thanks to the Forbidden Pen® you rewrite whole pages of notes. Without stress.
You don’t have to watch out for your teacher. Cheat without suspicious movements and without bringing attention to yourself. You just write tests and exams as usual.
Inside of one pen you can fit size of 10 cm x 3,2 cm cheat. It's 3 times more than in a other, popular, plastic pen.
Teacher stands two steps behind you... can see just a blue pen
It means that you put over than A4 format in our pen size cheat!
It’s the easiest way to use the whole material you need.
Many easy rolled-out popular plastic pens are not nessesary.
All in few Forbidden Pen®.
Don’t change your pen all the time during the exam. Don’t let anyone to catch your cheats.
Set up your cheat in 7 seconds. Without sticky tape. Without effort.
Cheats where you put whole pages of visible text
In other pens you need to stick the cheat with tape, then you turn the casing or need to roll out the cheat.
The teacher can see that you are fumbling about with the pen…
Other than that, the tape wrinkles, pen gets stuck, and you get stressed and can’t read you cheat… it’s shit!
In the Forbidden Pen® there is no using tape
No need to roll out any cheats that can easily be discovered.
Finally a simple and easy construction.
Inside of every order you will find template with sample cheat.
We have already oversold 100,000 pens!!!
Join our family and I will endlessly memorize the end 🙂
I bought 5 pieces + 1 free. Best spend this year. I don’t think a teacher can see cheating. I guess someone would have to be pretty upset to get caught. Arial 3.5px and a fine dust fit the entire page in one pen. I download everything to my legal – actually I come to a test with all the material that is allowed to appear. I have 3 pens in my left pocket, 2 in my right pocket and one in my hand. If I write everything with the pen, I put it in the open purse next to it and take the next one out of my pocket. I recommend it especially to those who have to memorize a lot of nonsense.
Don’t even hesitate to buy these pens. The pens are a masterpiece 😀 I bought 5 and since then I’ve only taken them off for every exam. I print everything in 3px font. I need some pens with me, but that’s fine. The most important thing is that I have the comfort of writing anything perfidiously from my pens. The professor won’t miss it because I politely sit in the front row. I don’t look around. I don’t look where the lecturer is. Others tinker around with cheat sheets on the phone, stick on tape, look for a suitable seat in the auditorium… No point. I sit down, pick up and say goodbye. I recommend!
I’ve always said I can’t cheat. I was always afraid that the teacher would catch me in front of the whole class. Thanks to the pens, I can even download while he’s walking around the classroom watching. I’m not stressed by anything because the tie isn’t visible at all. When the teacher is standing next to me, I have the whole pen in my hand to be on the safe side. No chance of anyone catching me. I only study biology, chemistry and history because I don’t need it for anything in my life 🙂
I bet that everyone who buys 1 pen will buy a few more after the first test 🙂 At first I was afraid that it is Linde, high price, etc… Later I bought 3 more. The pens are brilliant and easy to use.
I print cheat sheets, put them in pens and go to the exam. There is nothing easier. Usually the lecturer sees someone cheating (let’s face it, this is often the case and often does not react). No chance here. I write as if I wrote everything from my head. I keep my eyes on a pen all the time. I don’t have to look after you. A GENIUS INVENTION.